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Ops Manager Walk Through

HR - Easy and integrated Staff Management

The functionality in HR addresses all the primary staff management functions with the assumption that specialized functions like 401k management would be accomplished by some form of service vendor.

Each tab in the interface manages a different kind of data. The employee tab is base information - a generic starting point. The benefits tab holds all of the impacts to payroll. For an unusual example, garnishments can be recorded as a negative impacting benefit. Payroll is self evident but allows many types of relationships (full, part time, intern, contractor) as well as many pay frequencies, (hourly, biweekly, monthly, yearly). Personal Info holds the sensitive data such as EEOC and will also maintain home address and emergency contact information. Actions are a documentation of the employees relationship to the company such as reviews, multiple hire, multiple terminate, awards, etc. And finally Codes hold the extra information that does not fit elsewhere, such as long distance phone codes, building access codes, etc.

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